Minggu, 07 Maret 2021



Hello my name is Anggi laila efendi. I have an interesting thing to tell. Yesterday I did "sharing knowledge" with my brother. I have a younger brother named Yobin. He is still in elementary school. He has a little difficulty learning English, especially at this time he cannot study at school because of the Covid-19 pandemic and online learning is less effective for him.
Therefore, yesterday I shared knowledge and taught him English. Because he's an elementary school student, so I gave him an easy lesson. I chose the names of the fruits and numbers. For that I prepared materials for teaching by drawing and also digital pictures on the internet so that he was excited when learning.
He is very happy and actively asks questions when studying. I am happy to see him helped by what I do. "Sharing knowledge" is an activity that is very useful and makes me happy when I see him enthusiastic about learning and being helped by what I do

Documentation of activity processes:


Selasa, 26 Januari 2021

Nature Photography Exhibition


if you give water and fertilizer to the tree, the tree will give fruit in return.If you give trash to the ocean, then what do you expect from it 

Anggi Laila Efendi



Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2020

SOS4love project

 Week 1

I choose SDGS number 4 which is quality education


Education will not make you lose

Education will make you more qualified

Good education needs a good environment

Never stop getting an education

No matter your gender

No matter your age

Make education your priority

Week 2


     My motto is "A healthy environment is born from a healthy person"

Our environment really needs us, not just now but all the time. We must love our environment. A healthy environment is born from a healthy person. Healthy physically and mentally. In SDGS point 3 is good health and well-being. As is happening now, the Covid 19 pandemic is very unsettling for all parties, many negative impacts have been given.

       we can give our participation for a better world and avoid covid 19 by complying with health protocols and maintaining proper immunity. No less important is mental health, especially for adolescents. Self-confidence and self-love can be built mentally healthy. Let's protect our environment with physical and mental health and extensive knowledge with good education

Week 3

This is link for my vidio SOS4love


Week 4

Final Report SOS4Love


Nama      : Anggi Laila Efendi

No absen:04

Kelas       : Mipa7'18

Minggu, 10 Mei 2020

Story Telling

                           A Poor Butterfly
     There lives a butterfly in the forest. It is a beautiful forest, surrounded by trees and various kinds of flowers. It is a dream forest for every animal especially a butterfly, there is a lot of honey in the flowers. Animals live wild, they are very happy
    But apparently not with a poor butterfly. A few days ago, his wings were injured so now she can't fly. The butterfly was pensive over the leaves of a tree, she saw other butterflies were busy flying, some were dancing with other butterflies. Very happy
    She cried, she hated herself, she felt that no one cared about her, until a mayfly came, she then asked the butterfly, why was she crying? Butterflies explain if she cries because no one cares about her ,no one wants to be friends with him, they always mock because unfortunately it is not beautiful. they always mock the butterfly because its wings are not beautiful
especially now that he can't fly because his wings hurt mayfly smiled after hearing butterfly's words, she then said
"Butterfly, you can't be like that, you can't hate yourself. You have to be grateful for everything that happens"
"But nothing can make me happy, look at me just an ugly butterfly with broken wing" answered the butterfly while crying
      Mayfly tried to advise the butterfly
"Don't listen to those who speak evil to you, you are so beautiful.Don't cry, you're not bad, there's nothing wrong with you, they only envy you because you have a good heart, you have to live your life happily, do you know that mayfly can only live in 24 hours, we were born and died in one day. That is why I enjoy my life, because I only have a little time, but you don't have, you still have time, you have to be strong, live a life with great courage, we only live once in this world"
        "Mayfly do you really live in just one day? You're right I should live life happily, mayfly do you want to be my friend?"Asked the butterfly.
"Of course I have a few hours to be your friend, let's have fun today" Mayfly gladly accepts the invitation of a butterfly
       Butterflies feel very happy because they have mayfly as their friend, they are very happy.  hA fewours later mayfly will leave, it's been 24 hours since he was alive, they are sad because it will separate, the butterfly cries loudly, mayfly tries to calm him down, before leaving she advised the butterfly to live his life happily

Moral value: You should always be grateful for what happens in your life, because you don't know what other people have experienced is even worse.



Sabtu, 25 April 2020


One of the things that can cause pollution is plastic bags. At home I have a lot of plastic bags. Every time I shop I will use a plastic bag. So there are even more plastic bags

One factor that has caused damage to the environment to date is the disposal of plastic waste. Plastic bags have become hazardous and difficult to manage. It's really terrestrial for years to make this plastic waste really decompose. However, the negative impact caused by plastic waste is very large, meaning that for the environment, plastic bags can cause soil pollution and the process of absorbing water into the soil can be disrupted.

Action Now:
I realize that the use of plastic bags will have a negative impact on the environment, so I will try to minimize the use of plastic bags, I can use my own bag

We must love our earth, by preserving the environment and trying not to pollute the environment

 I will try to minimize the use of plastic.I can use my own bag


  Hello my name is Anggi laila efendi. I have an interesting thing to tell. Yesterday I did "sharing knowledge" with my brother. I...