Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2020

SOS4love project

 Week 1

I choose SDGS number 4 which is quality education


Education will not make you lose

Education will make you more qualified

Good education needs a good environment

Never stop getting an education

No matter your gender

No matter your age

Make education your priority

Week 2


     My motto is "A healthy environment is born from a healthy person"

Our environment really needs us, not just now but all the time. We must love our environment. A healthy environment is born from a healthy person. Healthy physically and mentally. In SDGS point 3 is good health and well-being. As is happening now, the Covid 19 pandemic is very unsettling for all parties, many negative impacts have been given.

       we can give our participation for a better world and avoid covid 19 by complying with health protocols and maintaining proper immunity. No less important is mental health, especially for adolescents. Self-confidence and self-love can be built mentally healthy. Let's protect our environment with physical and mental health and extensive knowledge with good education

Week 3

This is link for my vidio SOS4love

Week 4

Final Report SOS4Love

Nama      : Anggi Laila Efendi

No absen:04

Kelas       : Mipa7'18


  Hello my name is Anggi laila efendi. I have an interesting thing to tell. Yesterday I did "sharing knowledge" with my brother. I...